Cellular technology at the service of tourists- Traveling to Europe? Don't Bother Bringing Your Mobile Phone. For business travelers and vacationers who flock to places like Greece, pre-paid mobile service has become a convenient, affordable answer. Customers pay in advance for a handset and start-up service, and purchase "scratch" cards at hundreds of local retail outlets when
they need additional minutes of calling credit. Because service is paid for in advance, there's no contract, no monthly bill, no hidden charges, and no waiting for service. For more than half a million Americans who travel to Greece annually as tourists or on business, pre-paid service is a convenient, viable
(Added: 3-May-1999 Hits: 80 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
The New Athens International Airport- This is the largest airport development project in Europe at the present time. The total estimated cost of the project amounts to DM 4.1 billion. This amount excludes the investments of Olympic Airways and Hellenic Aerospace Industry for their facilities and the investments of concessionaires (mainly for fuelling, cargo, catering, hotel and other commercial and real estate developments).
(Added: 27-Feb-1999 Hits: 196 Rating: 9.59 Votes: 25) Rate It